Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ace of Wands

This Ace of Wands is from the "Gilded Tarot" Tarot set.
Psychic Revelation is referenced for this explanation.

The Ace of Wands is a positive sign of a new start approaching. Where Aces are all about new beginnings, Wands are typically associated with your career or work. If you are having a hard time right now, and you draw this card in a reading, things should be getting better soon.

Generally this card shows being excited about your future, and for good reason. You are probably feeling energetic and full of positive energy, if not now then soon. Its a good time to start something new! Go for it!

Career wise this card can signify something new, and wonderful is headed your way. If you're working be sure to let others know what you need and want in your work area! You will probably be more successful then you originally thought. If you're not working keep your head up, that new position you're looking for is just around the corner. Be bold and go for it.

For love, if you are already in a relationship be sure to express yourself. It can lead to a new level of understanding between you and your partner! If single, open yourself to love in any way you can. Something new is on its way to you.

For finance this card can indicate a turn for the better. You could be receiving a gift of money, or something of great monetary or emotional value very soon.

In regards to health, start exercising or eating healthy! You're full of positive energy and now is a great time to start that health regime you've been thinking about. This will pay off big time so don't put it off any further, your health and vitality should be boosted very soon.

Spiritually remember that your mind and body are linked, where your body is doing well be sure to give your mind something new to digest as well. Seek advice from your spiritual leaders and be sure to listen! If you don't have one right now, now is a great time to begin looking for one. Help will come to you when you need it. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Ace of Cups

This Ace of Cups is from the "Gilded Tarot" Tarot set.
Psychic Revelation is referenced for this explanation.

The Ace of Cups is, like all Ace's, indicative of new beginnings. Its a fantastic, power laden omen for love, happiness and affection. 

Generally This card is a sign of great things to come. You feel good, and the people around you will send happiness, affection and love your way, even more than usual. Go out and make friends, its a great time to do so. 

For your Career this card can be a sign of that new job you've been hoping for finally coming your way, or if you're already employed it could mean a promotion on the way. You will be appreciated in the work place!

This card is an amazing omen for love. If you're in an existing relationship, things should be getting better than they have been in the past, almost like a great new beginning. If you are single a new relationship may be at your doorstep. 

For finances you may come into some money soon. Either by way of an unexpected job or a gift. 

Health wise you should start feeling better soon, and more full of energy. 

Spiritually you'll be wanting to give back some of the love and good feelings you've been receiving lately. This will help you feel more connected to the divine. Believe you are beloved by the universe and all the things that are happening is coming from the other side.  

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ace of Swords

This Ace of Swords is from the "Tarot of Dreams" Tarot set.
Psychic Revelation is referenced for this explanation.

Ace's indicate a new beginning in your life, possibly several. It could be started by the loss of a friendship or a job, but as hard as it is know that this change is good and your new beginning will take you where you want to go. 

Generally the Ace of Swords tells us not to be afraid to jump into new things if its in our best interests. Be brave. You know what you have to do, you just need to take the first step. 

For work you may need to try something different in the job you're in, what you're doing there isn't working now. You may even need to leave and find something new. If you want to stay, use those ideas that you've had building up for new policies or procedures. You know they could make people's lives easier, be sure to voice them, don't be concerned about credit. Credit will come where credit is due in time. 

For love, the Ace means you're ready to start anew. If you're already in a relationship speak up if something is bothering you. If something is hurting you in any way make sure your partner knows. If your relationship ends because of it then you did not need that toxicity in your life to begin with. You will be guided toward a new, better, relationship. 

In terms of finance, the Ace of Swords tells us to be careful now. Do not invest any more than you have to lose, because it has a strong chance of not working out in your favor. You may also be approached by a friend, or family member for a loan. There is a strong possibility that you will not be repaid, but if you do not lend it to them your relationship could be damaged or destroyed. Only lend it if you are okay with this possibility. 

When thinking of your health in respect to this card it is either time to stop bad habits that you know are bad, or its time to start building up some new habits that are good for you. Exercise is very important right now, try not to work too hard and over do it though. Things may be difficult for the ones around you as the transition is made, but things will be better in the long run. 

Spiritually it may be time to let go if your belief system hasn't worked for you for a while. Its okay, if you were holding on to a few beliefs that you knew weren't what was best for you. This happens to everyone from time to time. By letting go you will be free to seek out a spiritual system that works for you, don't be afraid to speak with others about their beliefs as well. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The King of Wands

Explanation referenced from Psychic Revelation

The King of Wands is sometimes associated with the star sign Sagittarius. He can stand in for a person in your real life most of the time a man or masculine energy with light hair."the King of Wands signifies wise, open, positive, adventurous masculine energy." says Psychic Revelation.

The King of Wands is a positive sign even when not a representative of an actual person. It means that the men of your life will be generally supportive and well thinking of you. Think positively because right now you have the ambition and energy to accomplish the things you've been aiming for. You'll feel goal oriented, act on it!

For work the King of Wands can represent a light haired male mentor who although good at what he does, can be a little rough around the edges. Pay close attention to what he teaches you, but be aware of places where you may want to alter his teachings to make them better suited to you. If you're looking for employment the position you've been aiming for may be on the horizon.

The King of Wands is an excellent omen romantically. It can signify a light haired man who is willing to put time and work hard for a relationship. You may be more career focused right now, and that's okay, but be sure to give your partner some time as well or you may push them away.

Health wise the King of Wands is absolutely bursting with Vitality. But be careful not to push yourself too hard! Try to look deep down at how you feel because negative emotions can take a toll on you over time. Allow yourself to feel how you feel, but be sure to let those emotions go in a positive way.

Spiritually you may already be well on your way to spiritual exploration, but don't push yourself too hard too fast. Take time to allow what you're learning to sink in before exploring too far into the unknown. 

The Fool

Explanation referenced from Psychic Revelation
This image is from the Gilded Tarot.
The fool has the energy of a child, purity, newness, and openness to the world around you.  This card is generally seen as positive, but be sure to be looking where you're going. 

Generally this card represents a new beginning, or a fresh start. Its typically more impacting on your life than a new purchase, perhaps spiritually or with a new relationship, or even career. 

Career wise people may not be seeing where you're coming from, if you know that what you're saying is correct then push forward and try to show them what you mean. If you're looking for a position it could be time to strike out on your own, go with your new ideas. 

Romantically you are probably not ready for a commitment. You're looking for fun times and there are fun times to be had, but be careful not to overlook love if it should happen to come your way now. 

If you're chronically ill this is a positive card to have in your corner, and it could be a sign of an improvement in your health. Otherwise be careful to live in the moment, and not be looking too far forward or back, you could become accident prone right now. 

Right now, spiritually you may be wanting to learn more about different kinds of spirituality, there's nothing wrong with exploring. Just be careful with your window shopping, it may be time to look deeper into the one you like best. Your friends and family may not really understand why you're looking into all of this right now, assure them you're fine and do whats best for you. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Page of Swords

The Page of Swords

Psychic Revelation was referenced for this explanation. 

The Page of Swords can either stand in for a literal person in your life, or show that a message is on its way, one that may not be what you want to hear. If this card is representing a person, they will generally be younger than the person the reading is for, with dark hair. 

Generally this card is a sign you are trying too hard, and pushing others too far. Slow down and listen to what other people are telling you, either with their words or through body language. You may have excess energy right now, be sure to use it wisely. 

For work brace yourself for conflict that may be on the horizon, if you're currently employed. Otherwise be tactful during interviews, and careful with bragging.

In matters of love you may have a small amount of conflict in your relationship. Try to pick your battles wisely, as you may push your partner too far. If you're single, use your extra energy to get out and find someone new. 

In Finance be careful with your assumptions. If you don't know something now is the time to ask, or it could come back to hurt you soon. Hold back and spend wisely now, and do your best not to over extend yourself. You will regret it later. 

You may be closing your eyes to your spirituality right now, take some time to explore your faith, or learn new things about it. If you think you're open minded already, try to explore just a little further and see where it takes you. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Chariot

The Chariot explained.
Referenced from Psychic Revelation

Determination is what this card represents. When it arrives a focused energy accompanies it. You likely will know what you're striving for, and will be able to push through your obstacles to get there. 

Generally this card is telling you to have determination, that whatever goal you have in mind at the moment is worth striving for, but you must put your heart and mind into it. 

Work: You're ready to face the day and get to work on that project that's been looming in front of you. There may be some obstacles but just keep pushing through and don't let what others may think of you slow you down. Your intentions will come through in the end. 

Love: Right now you could be coming on too strong, or someone else is coming on too strong to you. Take clues from your partner when to back off, and communicate if they need to do the same. Make sure your partner knows your preferences, and do the same for them. If someone is pressuring you into entering a relationship with them, be upfront with them on your feelings. It may hurt at first but it will be better in the long run. 

Finances: You may be looking to buy something to do with transportation, generally your finances are in order, and this could be a good time to pay down debts if you have the discipline to do so. 

Health: Your get up and go has arrived, this is a great time to get to work on that exercise regiment that you've been putting off. 

Spirituality: Now is a good time to travel to new places to worship or meditate, try listening to points of view you don't know yet. It can be a good time to learn new things. 

Ace of Pentacles

Here is the meaning of the Ace of Pentacles, information from Psychic Revelation.

Introduction: This card indicates a turn for the better and you will experience a new beginning. 

General: You should be feeling good right now! A new beginning is coming, whether it be work or personal its a good thing. 

Work: You could be moving into a new position, or finally getting that job you're after. Whether you're looking for something new or not a good thing is coming. 

Love: If you're in a relationship this could be a good time to reconnect with your partner and get to know them again, let your love blossom once more. If you aren't in a relationship, this could be a sign to put yourself out there, and find a new beginning. 

Finances: Expect more money soon, you should be more comfortable with your finances soon, and may be even able to spread your new wealth around. Don't spend it all though, you never know if something unexpected will happen. 

Health: This is a good time to start that new diet, or to start a new work out routine, or even get caught up on your immunizations. Your health should start looking up. 

Spirituality: Now is the time to try something new spiritually, whether it be pray for something new, find a new place of worship or even start practicing once again, its a good time to do it. 

Blessing and Purification

In order to get the truest readings I can I will be purifying my deck with the four elements today, as well as begin a blessing ritual before each reading.

I'll be using the methods detailed on this site. If you would like to purify and bless your deck and would like to use the same method that is the site to go to, I don't know that I could say it any better than how they've explained it.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Queen of Cups

Today's card is the Queen of Cups.

According to Psychic Revelation The Queen of Cups is a very loving card, and as is the case with most face cards can be seen as a stand in for someone, a female with light hair. She represents compassion and love. Generally this card is representative of someone who is very supportive of you, or the person the reading is for.  The Queen of Cups also should be used as a reminder to "treat yourself with love and compassion". She is a positive sign in all aspects. 

When this card shows up in regards to work, its pushing you to treat your work with more love and more compassion, or it could represent a woman with light colored hair who is there to support you. This card is a good sign, and can mean good things are to come. 

In regards to love the Queen of Cups is a great sign, pointing to positive prospects in a blossoming relationship, or as a sign to possibly put yourself out there if you are single. But be careful, all things should be in moderation. 

If you're reading for finances it could mean things will start to move in a positive direction. You should possibly ask a light haired woman for advice regarding your affairs if this appears. Try to have a positive outlook. 

For health, you will need love and support from a woman to remain healthy, or to take care of you until you are well. Being positive is key. 

Finally in spirituality to quote Psychic Revelation " The Queen of Cups can indicate marked increases in clairvoyant experiences."Feel the love around you and be open to spirituality. 

Day One

This blog will be dedicated to learning to read tarot, as well as giving readings. A card or spread will be described and explained each day to help beginners, and give the experienced a refresher. Each post will have sources where information was found. I hope everyone enjoys this blog and feel free to ask me for readings in the future.