Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ace of Wands

This Ace of Wands is from the "Gilded Tarot" Tarot set.
Psychic Revelation is referenced for this explanation.

The Ace of Wands is a positive sign of a new start approaching. Where Aces are all about new beginnings, Wands are typically associated with your career or work. If you are having a hard time right now, and you draw this card in a reading, things should be getting better soon.

Generally this card shows being excited about your future, and for good reason. You are probably feeling energetic and full of positive energy, if not now then soon. Its a good time to start something new! Go for it!

Career wise this card can signify something new, and wonderful is headed your way. If you're working be sure to let others know what you need and want in your work area! You will probably be more successful then you originally thought. If you're not working keep your head up, that new position you're looking for is just around the corner. Be bold and go for it.

For love, if you are already in a relationship be sure to express yourself. It can lead to a new level of understanding between you and your partner! If single, open yourself to love in any way you can. Something new is on its way to you.

For finance this card can indicate a turn for the better. You could be receiving a gift of money, or something of great monetary or emotional value very soon.

In regards to health, start exercising or eating healthy! You're full of positive energy and now is a great time to start that health regime you've been thinking about. This will pay off big time so don't put it off any further, your health and vitality should be boosted very soon.

Spiritually remember that your mind and body are linked, where your body is doing well be sure to give your mind something new to digest as well. Seek advice from your spiritual leaders and be sure to listen! If you don't have one right now, now is a great time to begin looking for one. Help will come to you when you need it. 

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